An Exciting Milestone in Nicole's Surrogacy Journey
Nicole is now 23 weeks along in her surrogacy journey! Baby is now about the size of a mango ðŸ¥
! Despite some medical bumps along the way, Nicole's unwavering dedication and enthusiasm continue to shine as she helps her Intended Parents achieve their dream of having a family. Here is an update on her journey so far and what she has learned along the way.

How are you feeling physically and emotionally at this stage in your journey?
"I'm feeling a mix of excitement and a little nervousness! Physically, I’ve run into some unexpected complications that I didn’t have with my other pregnancies, which makes me nervous. However, I feel like I’m managing that side of it well. Emotionally, it's a rollercoaster of joy and anticipation combined with the nerves from experiencing things I’ve never encountered before."
What has been the most rewarding part of your surrogacy journey so far?
"The most rewarding part has definitely been the excitement I have for my Intended Parents, knowing I'm helping them achieve their dream of having a family."
Have you faced any unexpected challenges or surprises, and how did you handle them?
"Yes, I’ve encountered a few unexpected challenges—a subchorionic hemorrhage [which is common in IVF pregnancy but usually resolves quickly] and then subsequent hematoma, placenta previa, and a blood clot in my right leg. It was definitely a lot to handle in a short period of time, and it seems like each week or appointment brings something new that I didn’t anticipate. I’ve managed these challenges by staying in close contact with my healthcare team, following their advice, and leaning on my support system at home, as well as my coordinator. Staying informed and proactive has really helped me navigate these hurdles."

How has your support system helped you through this journey?
"My support system has been amazing! They listen, provide encouragement, and help me navigate the ups and downs, making everything feel a bit easier, especially with the unforeseen challenges."
How do you feel about the upcoming steps in the surrogacy process?
"I’m hopeful and excited! Each week that passes is a step closer to seeing this sweet girl in her parents' arms, and I can’t wait for that moment. I’m hopeful that the previa will resolve and we’ll have a beautiful delivery like I did with my three boys."
Is there anything you wish more people knew or understood about the surrogacy process?
"As with any pregnancy, expect the unexpected! We joke as parents that if we’ve learned anything about parenting through the pregnancies and births of our three boys, it’s that we’re not the ones in control. We do what we can, but at the end of the day, the sense of not being in control of how everything goes is just a foreshadowing of what parenthood is like.

I also wish people understood the emotions that go along with surrogacy and how beautiful the journey can be. For the surrogate, it’s not just about carrying a baby; it’s about creating families and helping the IPs achieve their dream of becoming parents. As surrogates, we’re parents ourselves, and knowing the joy our IPs are about to experience and how their lives are about to change with their little one is such an indescribable feeling.
I often get asked if I’m attached to the baby, and it’s hard to describe. Yes, I care for this little life and am in awe of the miracle that she is, but the attachment I feel is like a babysitter's sense for her wellbeing while she’s in my care—there’s no parental attachment. I have three beautiful boys to love on, and I’m just so excited for her parents to have that same fulfillment in their lives."
Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Nicole! We look forward to sharing more updates soon!